Our Country

With humble beginnings
Did our country arise.
A lofty idea to worship God
Without restraint and fear.
Proper place was given
To the heavenly Father above.
But where have those lofty thoughts gone
In the many ensuing years?
What was founded on faith and devotion
Has turned into a place of self-gratification.
Where once hard work, and devotion,
High ideals and worship of God
Was looked upon as proper,
Now has given way to selfishness
And turning away from our maker.
Society now is more focused
On staying one step ahead of his neighbor
And hoarding of our goods.
So many of our nation
Now accept promiscuity and abortion
Thievery and deception
As a normal part of life.
Thought is not given to the Creator of our lives.
Instead we run after almighty dollar
Or praises for ourselves.
How our Father’s heart must ache
Each time He sees
Our county sinking lower
Into our sinful ways.
Our Lord’s patience is long
And His love is eternal
But there is coming a day
When His patience will end.
Oh how sorrowful is that day
When judgment is ushered in!
I can hear an eternal cry
Emanating from heaven above.
It is begging all mankind
To turn from sinful ways.
It is shining a light,
A beacon to the ages.
It is our Father’s dearest desire
That all return to Him.
He has given us provision,
A path to His eternal home.
His Son He has sacrificed
That we might have life.
Oh when will we see?
When will we open
Our hearts and eyes?
His way is the only way
That true happiness can be found.
Turn, I beseech all,
Turn around your ways.
Lift your hands and hearts
To the heavenly Father above.
By: Ann Martin
November 20, 2004

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