God’s Timing Why is it we are so impatient For the answer to our prayer Each time we petition the Lord? And why is it we are so unhappy When that answer isn’t the one That we thought was right for us? Have we all forgotten that God Is our loving Father and always knows What is the best way to answer those prayers? Do we need to be reminded constantly That the Lord knows all our needs Even before we cry out to Him? Why can’t we be content And accept the way God works things out? We often think we know the best answer And try to manipulate And bargain with the Lord If only He would see things our way. But like the loving Father that He is He gives us what we really need. Not what our selfish minds think we should have. All of us need to learn to accept God’s way And put aside our "me first" attitudes. Our Lord Jesus gave us the greatest example When in the garden He asked the Father To spare His life and find another way. But when the Father said The sacrifice He must make Our Lord Jesus accepted And said these simple words "Not my will but thine". The Father gives to each The perfect answer for each prayer And He gives it in perfect timing. Let’s all endeavor to say "Not my will but thine" no matter the answer He gives. By: Ann Martin June 29, 2000
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