Who Would Have Thought?

Who would have
A small babe would be born
In humble abode
Was so great?
Who would have thought
Angels so holy
Would in joyous presentation
Bring forth news
Of heaven’s wondrous light?
Who would have thought
Shepherds so lowly
Would be His first missionaries?
Who would have thought
Men of vast riches
Would humbly bow
Before that manger so plain
Where the promise of ages lay?
Who would have thought
This babe would grow
To fulfill prophecies of old
Bringing sight to the blind
Healing to the lame
Life’s breath to the dead
And hope to the lost?
Who would have thought
That a tool of torture
Would turn into
A gift so rare?
Who would have thought
A stone cold tomb
Could not this wonder hold?
Who would have thought
That through pain so terrible
Death could be conquered
And life everlasting
Would be given?
Who would have thought
God would bend so low
Bringing His loved ones
To His side?
Who would have thought
Such wondrous love could exist?
Who would have thought
God from his holy abode
Would desire
Not one to be lost?
Who would have thought?
God, our heavenly Father
Thought of this wondrous thing
Sending forth this most precious gift
Sacrificing His only Son
Just for you and I!
By: Ann Martin
December 5, 2004

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